Monday, January 27, 2014

Talk It Up Badge

The Talk It Up badge is really meant to be completed as a troop. Since that wasn't an option for us, we thought about the things our troop traditionally uses cookie money for and then tallied up costs for Tessa only. We estimated that in selling about 200 boxes of cookies, Tessa will contribute $110 to the troop. Since the requirements for this badge are well defined in The Daisy Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting, we didn't do anything more than complete the booklet to earn this badge. This post is simply to verify that Tessa completed the required work. The basic steps for the Talk It Up badge are listed below.

Talk It Up

When you take part in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, you are helping with the largest business run by girls in the whole world. When you earn your Making Choices leaf, you learn to figure out your needs and wants. Now use what you know as you sell Girl Scout Cookies!


1. Decide how to use your cookie money

2. Talk about how to use cookie money to help others

Tessa decided she would like to use part of her cookie money to make toys for homeless cats in shelters. I really like this idea because it's something she could actually do.
Tessa decided she would like to use part of her cookie money to make toys for homeless cats in shelters. I really like this idea because it's something she could actually do.

3. Inspire your customers


When I've earned this leaf, I'll be able to decide how to best use my cookie money.

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