With the start of Tessa's official kindergarten year just around the corner, I figured it was high time to sort through her preschool work and get it all put into a binder. I ended up with about a foot-tall stack of loose paper to go through. I had such a hard time deciding what to save. She will probably look at this portfolio more than any other from here through adulthood. Although homeschoolers are not required to submit portfolios for review in our state, I still wanted to create one for our family. I finally decided to keep Tessa's work from the first and last lessons of each subject and then every fifth one in between. I kept her math and handwriting workbooks as well.
Our school room is currently just a little corner of Tessa's playroom (and a third of the room's closet). It works well enough, but I do find myself wishing for a wee bit more space. |
We really like Staples Better Binders. Stronger, thicker, nicer...they really are "better." Tessa chose pink for her preschool portfolio. I can hardly believe these word family helpers are from nearly a year ago. She's come a long way since then. |
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