Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Life Science, Week 7

The Brain & Nervous System

It never creases to amaze me how enthusiastic Tessa is to learn new things. I thought going over the three main parts of the brain and how it and the rest of the nervous system works to control the body might not be the most exciting thing for her to learn, but she chattered about it and carted around our model brain (her "pet brain") all week long.



Following Monday
  • Tessa read Our Brains reader by Charlotte Guillain during reading.
  • Read Blastoff! Readers: The Nervous System by Kay Manolis.
  • Completed RSO Nervous System Lab 1: Reaction Time.
  • Completed Teacher Created Resources My Body by Patty Carratello "My Brain" activity (pages 7-8).

Tessa tested her nervous system's reaction time by attempting to grasp a ruler after it was dropped several times without warning.
Tessa tested her nervous system's reaction time by attempting to grasp a ruler after it was dropped several times without warning.

Tessa recorded her reaction time for each drop and then charted the results. Earlier, she hypothesized that she could teach her body to react more quickly with practice. Although her reaction times did not dramatically improve over the span of the five drops she recorded, she was generally correct.
Tessa recorded her reaction time for each drop and then charted the results. Earlier, she hypothesized that she could teach her body to react more quickly with practice. Although her reaction times did not dramatically improve over the span of the five drops she recorded, she was generally correct.

Tessa colored and glued the brain from Teacher Created Resources "My Body" to an outline of her body that I had traced earlier onto pink butcher block paper.
Tessa colored and glued the brain from Teacher Created Resources "My Body" to an outline of her body that I had traced earlier onto pink butcher block paper.

The outline of Tessa's body. Tessa will add more body parts as we study them.
The outline of Tessa's body. Tessa will add more body parts as we study them.

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* RSO = R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey

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