Monday, May 28, 2012

Blank Number Bonds Worksheet

Found this wonderful blank number bonds worksheet by fivej's when Tessa started studying number bonds a couple of weeks ago in Singapore Math 1A. Thought I'd share. It's so nicely designed!

Blank Number Bond Worksheet by


  1. We are just starting Singapore primary 1B as remedial work for my 8 year old. We had started saxon last year and she hated it. It was way too slow. So far we are both loving Singapore. We have reached a point in the book where they are referring back to 1A, specifically number bonds. We did not use 1A and I'm unfamiliar with this concept. I'm wondering if you think I can teach her this by using your worksheets, or if it would be better to stop where we are and go back and do the 1A book. Thank you for any help!

    1. Are you a member of The Well-Trained Mind forums? If not, I suggest signing up and asking this question there. I don't really feel qualified to answer. There are many homeschooling parents there who would be able to help...parents who have used all kinds of curriculum and have run into all kinds of obstacles.
