Friday, March 28, 2014

Medieval Times, Lesson 34

Native North Americans

Move over ancient Egypt. Out of the way Greek gods. Tessa has discovered a new favorite culture! She's been jump-up-and-down excited to study history these past few weeks to further immerse herself into the world of our Native North Americans. Finally, we can take some field trips! We will visit Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site and Washington University's 24th Annual Powwow this spring. I'll be looking for other educational opportunities throughout the summer.

Main Lesson Part 1: Introduction

Main Lesson Part 2: Northern Native Americans (Inuit, Tlingit and the Woodland)

Tessa crafted a pole from a drinking straw, yarn and magnetic tape and then practiced "ice fishing" with a paper fish and hook.
Tessa crafted a pole from a drinking straw, yarn and magnetic tape and then practiced "ice fishing" with a paper fish and hook.

Tessa chose to create a brief arctic myth for her igluviak story prompt. It reads, "I sewed a parka from magical caribou skins. Every time I reached into the pockets, there was delicious food inside." I like that she incorporated several components of Inuit life into her story.
Tessa chose to create a brief arctic myth for her igluviak story prompt. It reads, "I sewed a parka from magical caribou skins. Every time I reached into the pockets, there was delicious food inside." I like that she incorporated several components of Inuit life into her story.

Tessa completed Tlingit potlatch mask. She was particular proud of her color and pattern choices.
Tessa completed Tlingit potlatch mask. She was particular proud of her color and pattern choices.

Main Lesson Part 3: Western Native American (Northwest, Nez Perce and Maidu)

Tessa's completed Appaloosa ornament. I thought she did a good job matching up the colors with ones traditionally used by the Nez Perce.
Tessa's completed Appaloosa ornament. I thought she did a good job matching up the colors with ones traditionally used by the Nez Perce.

Not surprising, Tessa has fallen in love with all things Kaya and put her at the top of her birthday list. To celebrate our studies of Native North Americans, I surprised her with a mini Kaya doll.
Not surprising, Tessa has fallen in love with all things Kaya and put her at the top of her birthday list. To celebrate our studies of Native North Americans, I surprised her with a mini Kaya doll

Main Lesson Part 4: Central and Eastern Native Americans (Mississippi, Navajo and Pueblo)

Tessa colored the Navajo rug design with crayons and then used a watercolor wash for the background.
Tessa colored the Navajo rug design with crayons and then used a watercolor wash for the background.

Tessa's completed Navajo rug.
Tessa's completed Navajo rug.

History Odyssey concludes its lessons for Native North Americans from the Middle Ages with the Navajo. We still have several History Pockets left. Since Tessa has thoroughly enjoyed this unit, we may come back to them either this summer or squeeze them in next fall when we move into early modern times.

* HO = History Odyssey

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