Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Life Science, Week 14


That's it! After a quick study of genetics this week, we officially concluded our survey of the human body. Luckily, I was able to turn up a Bill Nye DVD about genes since books on the subject are pretty much non-existence for Tessa's age set. Such a shame...Tessa was quite fascinated and wanted to know more.


  • Completed RSO Genetics Lab 1: I'm the Only Me!.

  • Completed RSO Genetics Lab 2: My Own Fingerprints.

After creating an ink pad of sorts by heavily coloring with pencil onto scrap paper, Tessa rubbed her fingertips along the leaded spot until they were sufficiently coated with graphite. Then, I used pieces of transparent tape to lift her fingerprints and adhere them to the lab sheet.
After creating an ink pad of sorts by heavily coloring with pencil onto scrap paper, Tessa rubbed her fingertips along the leaded spot until they were sufficiently coated with graphite. Then, I used pieces of transparent tape to lift her fingerprints and adhere them to the lab sheet.

Finally, Tessa used a hand lens to closely examine her fingerprints. She correctly concluded that most of her prints are of the loop variety. She has a few arches as well. Tessa was bummed because she really wanted them all to be whorl shaped. Luckily, I have one whorl, so that cheered her up a bit.
Finally, Tessa used a hand lens to closely examine her fingerprints. She correctly concluded that most of her prints are of the loop variety. She has a few arches as well. Tessa was bummed because she really wanted them all to be whorl shaped. Luckily, I have one whorl, so that cheered her up a bit.  

* RSO = R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey

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