Tessa is quickly falling in love with Greek mythology, just as I knew she would. She hasn't stopped talking about the various gods and goddesses we learned about this past Tuesday. So far, her favorite myth is of Persephone and Hades. She tends to favor the goddess Aphrodite as well...not so much for her story, but because Tessa thinks she's pretty! We also studied about a few great Greek thinkers. I was a little taken back when Tessa asked me to read the book about Socrates again. You would think such requests would no longer surprise me, but this one did. Who knew?
- Read Usborne: Ancient World by Fiona Chandler (pages 54-55).
- Read Life in a Greek Temple by Jane Shuter.
- Read "The Parthenon" (page 14) and "Greek Columns" (page 16) from Modern Rhymes About Ancient Times: Ancient Greece by Susan Altman.
- Completed "Ancient Greece" history pocket ("The Parthenon Shape Book").
- Read The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus by Aliki.
- Read "Zeus" (page 38) from Modern Rhymes About Ancient Times: Ancient Greece by Susan Altman.
- Completed draw and color.
- Read Wise Guy: The Life and Philosophy of Socrates by Mark David Usher.
- Read "The Philosopher Socrates" (page 12) from Modern Rhymes About Ancient Times: Ancient Greece by Susan Altman.
- Read The Librarian Who Measured the Earth by Kathryn Lasky.
- Read What's Your Angle, Pythagoras? by Julie Ellis.
Other Resources of Interest
- "Ancient Greece: Ten Famous Greeks" (pages 8-9) from Look, Find & Learn: World History - Jerry Tiritilli
- 14 Greek Gods and Goddesses coloring sheets - Education.com (There are many other coloring sheets in various styles as well, but they aren't housed together. Run a search within worksheets for "Greek gods" and/or specific gods and mythical creatures by name.)