Monday, January 20, 2014

...3 Cheers for Animals! - Session 6

It's Your Story - Tell It!: A Leadership Journey
Girl Scout Daisies

"The girls continue to explore the needs of animals and begin to focus in on specific animal needs in their communities."

Download ...3 Cheers for Animals! - Session 6 handout.

Session 6 - 
A Postcard Is Worth a Thousand Words

Opening Ceremony:
Animals Around the World, page 69 from “How To Guide
(Donkey: Mexico)
  • Pointed out Zinni, the zinnia, on "The Flower Friends and Their Girl Scout Law Values" poster. (May also be found in the back of the "How To Guide.")
  • Used ...3 Cheers for Animals! - Session 6 map to show where the farm Zinni visited is located.
  • Shared the italicized parts and other pertinent information from this section with Tessa.
  • Had Tessa touch fabric samples of faux fur and burlap. As she felt the fur, she imagined that she was petting a donkey. Then, she felt (and smelled) the burlap sample. I explained to her that donkeys are used as pack animals in Mexico and many other countries across the world. Burlap is often used to make sacks donkeys carry on their backs.
  • Drew, colored and cut out something a donkey might carry on its back on a small piece of white cardstock to add to the donkey’s pack on the Team Animal Mural.

Story Time: “Zinni’s Story,” page 70 from "How To Guide"
  • Read “Zinni’s Story” and the rest of the chapter (pages 28-39) from the girls’ book. Completed the activities along the way.
  • Discussed the italicized parts from this section and the feature box about mail in preparation for the next activity.

The Power of a Postcard, page 71 from "How To Guide"
  • Used free postcard template by Jennifer Rzepecki to complete this section as directed.

The Power of a Postcard, Part 2, page 71 from "How To Guide"
  • Not applicable.

Comparing the Caring, pages 72-73 from "How To Guide"
  • In lieu of completing the "Comparing the Caring" chart, I had each of our Journey girls think about and write down three good animal-care topics she might like to explore for her component of the Red Robin Project. (I'll choose from these topics at the next meeting and assign each girl one so there aren't duplicates.)

Closing Ceremony:
Sharing the Caring, page 74 from “How To Guide

Tessa's completed work from "...3 Cheers for Animals!" Session 6. Her postcard reads, "Feed birds in the winter." She drew the bird feeders and visiting birds that we have outside. The little basket with fruits and vegetables is to add to the donkey's pack on the Team Animal Mural.
Tessa's completed work from "...3 Cheers for Animals!" Session 6. Her postcard reads, "Feed birds in the winter." She drew the bird feeders and visiting birds that we have outside. The little basket with fruits and vegetables is to add to the donkey's pack on the Team Animal Mural.

Growing Girls Scouting Helpers Logo
Looking for more activities to complement the ...3 Cheers for Animals! Journey?

Check out my Girl Scout Law Ring Book - Pets Version - Girl Scout Daisies & Brownies printable scouting helper.

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