Friday, January 17, 2014

Daisy Making Choices Badge

Since the steps for earning the Making Choices leaf are well defined in The Daisy Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting, I didn't feel the need to do anything more than guide Tessa in completing the booklet for this badge. This post is simply to verify that Tessa completed the required work. The basic steps for the Daisy Money Counts badge are listed below.

I know some people might feel the leaf badges school-ish, but I like them. Although we may touch upon the skills they teach in daily life, working through the booklets are making a much stronger impact. Good stuff. Thank you, Girl Scouts!

Daisy Making Choices Badge

Making Choices

There are things we need, and there are things we want. Both cost money! Let's find out the difference.


1. Find out the difference between needs and wants

2. Try setting a goal to save for what you want

Tessa made a list of three things she wants (a doll, a raincoat and a magic set) and then recorded their costs and how many weeks she would need to save if she set aside $5 per week before she could purchase them. Since Tessa is still learning how to multiply, she used faux $5 bills to figure out the number of weeks for each item.
Tessa made a list of three things she wants (a doll, a raincoat and a magic set) and then recorded their costs and how many weeks she would need to save if she set aside $5 per week before she could purchase them. Since Tessa is still learning how to multiply, she used faux $5 bills to figure out the number of weeks for each item.

3. Help others with what they need and want

Tessa's plan to help others was to gather some of her gently used toys and books and donate them to a charity.
Tessa's plan to help others was to gather some of her gently used toys and books and donate them to a charity. 


When I've earned this leaf, I'll know more about how to make choices about using money.

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Looking for more Making Choices leaf badge ideas?

Check out my Girl Scout Daisies - "Making Choices" Activity Pack Bundle - All 3 Steps! printable scouting helper.

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